Monday, January 31, 2011

A Birthday Dream

You couldn’t sleep last night and who could blame you? You’ve been asking and asking and asking for this carousel horse for months now; that crisp five dollar bill you got in a card from Grandma for your Birthday is making that dream come true at last. You just laid there awake all night imagining what it would be like if she were real. You’d name her Majesty and feed her sugar cubes while you brushed her mane. You’d be able to hop on her back and gallop away from the troubles of the day. In this world you’ve created, a 45 year old woman topping out at 350 pounds of broken dreams, and dressed in a shitty-looking pair of overalls would be the perfect companion for Majesty; just bouncing to and fro as the poor horse prayed that maybe, just maybe, you’d feed it the barrel of a shotgun for dinner one day.
You’ll settle for the statue though. Well it’s not really settling if even in your fantasy world you know that your mere existence is enough to repulse your fantasy companion to the point of praying for death. Enjoy your statue, you little rapscallion, enjoy these little moments.