Up at 1am on a 3 day meth bender, reading Ramona the Pest aloud to a dog. What kid hasn't been there?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Living vicariously
That's the song that will never be playing while you never walk down the isle. At least you've got this sassy little delight in your dream gown on display for all to see. She'll sit quietly and watch your stories with you and won't judge you for eating that jar of mayo with a spoon either.
Four, please
One of the biggest issues for me in my life used to be that I couldn't seem to find a place where I could pay $25 each for $1 coins that don't hold any monetary value.
Some call this a scam, I call it a smart investment. Franklin Mint has a disclaimer stating that their collectibles aren't guaranteed to increase in value but...come on, don't be coy, FM. These babies are as good as gold, pun intended.
But seriously, if you're willing to waste your money on these fucking things, I've got some magic beans for sale you can buy.
Some call this a scam, I call it a smart investment. Franklin Mint has a disclaimer stating that their collectibles aren't guaranteed to increase in value but...come on, don't be coy, FM. These babies are as good as gold, pun intended.
But seriously, if you're willing to waste your money on these fucking things, I've got some magic beans for sale you can buy.
Back to school special!
You know how to impress your classmates in the cafeteria? How about when you take our your peanut butter and jelly sandwich from your lunch pail, you also take out this baby!? All your classmates will KNOW you are the coolest kid around and not to mess with you and your wizard dragon dishware. The quarterback of your football team? He's soooo jealous! That cheerleader you've been wanting to ask to prom? She's going to ask you! Everyone knows there is nothing cooler than a PB&J on awesome dishware. Right?
A new arrival...
Little Girl: Diana, Princess of Wales, will you please deliver this message to God?
DPoW: Why, yes sweet thing. What does it say?
Little Girl: Why are the flowers so large in this garden?
DPoW: Oh, honey..I can answer that one for you! You're dead! In heaven, flowers are the size of small dogs! Watch out for the horse-sized ants though, they're not as nice as you'd expect them to be in heaven!
Little Girl: What!? But what about my parents?
DPoW: Sorry sweetness, but they sold you to a crack riddled prostitution ring and you overdosed on heroin at the tender age of 6. Have a good day!
DPoW: Why, yes sweet thing. What does it say?
Little Girl: Why are the flowers so large in this garden?
DPoW: Oh, honey..I can answer that one for you! You're dead! In heaven, flowers are the size of small dogs! Watch out for the horse-sized ants though, they're not as nice as you'd expect them to be in heaven!
Little Girl: What!? But what about my parents?
DPoW: Sorry sweetness, but they sold you to a crack riddled prostitution ring and you overdosed on heroin at the tender age of 6. Have a good day!
Knock, Knock....
Honey, your date is here to pick you up! I know what you're thinking...you've finally bagged a good man! We're sorry to inform you that this fine young fellow standing in your living room is not your future husband, but actually a statute of Rhett Butler. His realism is unparalleled so it was an honest mistake. Your parents were probably already shaking his hand and congratulating him on finally getting their 40 year old baby girl out of their house. Do not fret though, this statue is probably better than a real boyfriend! You can discuss your love of reading/watching Gone with the Wind and he'll of course be equally as captivated as you read him out loud from the Lone Star Surrender by Carol Finch. Enjoy your new "better than a boyfriend"!
King me
You're probably thinking to yourself "Wow, the Franklin Mint offers the real Elvis? I thought he was living in Poughkeepsie running a drycleaner/ Thai joint under the monkier Bradley Tickles. How can this be?" well that was our first thought too because this statue -yes statue if you can believe that- has been so masterfully sculpted to the King's likeness that the two are indistinguishable. And it definitely doesn't look more like Jerry Lewis. At all. Look at him with his little teddy bear and his ass-tight pants.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Elvis's arm-chair inspiration
Its not just you, even the King had trouble writing songs. He might have been A Big Hunk O' Love but sometimes writing songs made him All Shook Up. Elvis would have told you "Don't be cruel" because sometimes writing something great is just Too Much. One Night you'll find your hit. You just need to be a Hard Headed Woman and stick in there! Don't Surrender!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Just The Two Of Us
We alllll know this old classic tale with a moral of the story ending: "The noble chief knew he shouldn't have looked at the gorgeous man with the flowing beard and dead wolf friend, for he knew that he couldn't take his eyes off of him no matter what. One day while admiring how his beard danced in the cool breeze, the chief was struck in the back with a home-made spear, killing him. The chief had always bragged about his extravagent headdress and it finally caught up to him." So we ask you, what household could resist reliving this story day in and day out via dishware?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Trusted Companion
Well here we are again with these dogs in "Trusted Companion". The only thing you can here trust is that the placement of these dogs is no coincidence...you'll notice which color dog Franklin Mint chose to display in the foreground of the plate and it makes our stomachs turn. This second depiction of racial politics by FM is frightening to say the least. You can see the reflection of the burning cross in the white dog's eyes if you look really closesly and the air of contentment on his face is bone chilling.
Double Trouble
The Franklin Mint designers are innovative, that goes without saying. They have really outdone themselves this time though. This is a picture of two little Hummels just traipsing through a field...aka a collectible plate with a picture of other collectibles on it. That is the same thing is having a corndog that is simultaneously pizza. If you know someone who loves Murder She Wrote and has an affinity for never, ever even thinking about holding hands with a gentleman caller, let alone having any social interaction with one; this is the perfect gift for her. Maybe she works the counter at your local gas station or dollar store. This will knock her fucking socks off.
News alert: Unicorns exist!
Big foot is a lie, loch ness is a tourist trap, and a Republican who wants universal health care is a mythical creature. Unicorns, on the other hand...truth! Franklin Mint spent a significant portion of their profits in 2006 and sent several of it's employees on a unicorn expedition. Look at this proof! Only from watching unicorns in their natural enriroment could you get the emotion and unicorn accuracy as displayed on realistic figuine. When asked about the expedition, one FM employee remarked "The unicorns were not even close to being like in The Last Unicorn....they were pink and blue and reared up around these strange orbs. We just did our best to capture them at the best of our abilities." The world is ever thankful for the hard work and dedication of the FM employees despite them staying mum on the whereabouts of the unicorns they discovered.
Friday, September 4, 2009
You're so wampum, you don't even know it
Another fine depiction of the old west by Franklin Mint. This tanorexic old kook is so messed up on peyote that he doesn't even realize that someone has french braided his hair while he was passed out from fire water. In a bold move, FM has chosen to display his groddy three fingered hand over the peace pipe...well HE thinks it's a peace pipe anyway, it's really a gag pipe stuffed with spring loaded snakes which will pop out when he lights it. They really knew how to pull a prank back then.
No clue
Franklin Mint really lost me with this one, I have no idea what is supposed to be going on here. There is some baby, a couple of ferries bouncing around, a donkey, some bitch wearing pink pj's with a Snuggie that she has on the wrong way, and a monster with a big hat who looks like he's going to try and eat the baby. Good thing that guy on the left is brandishing some sort of weapon.
The Littlest Bullfighter
Spanish people are different than us and they believe that when you kill a bull with a sword while dressed in chartruce, you are granted three wishes. This adorable little statue portrays this tiny homosexual matador toying with this baby bull before he slaughters it in front of a roaring crowd. Ole`!
By the light of the moon
This horrid thing is in your attic, waiting for you to go to sleep. She'll then creep down your stairs in an upside down crab walk like Regan MacNeil in the Exorcist. Once she reaches your room she'll crawl on top of you, look you in the face with those lifeless eyes and strangle the life out of you while a creepy chorus of little british kids singing starts to play...either that or she'll blow you.
One potato, two potato...
This timely little pewter piece reminds of us the day that our incarcerated citizens actually did hard work. They sat and peeled potatos for hours, giving them plenty of potato peeling skills in the case that they didn't have a life sentence. This is of course as opposed to today, when prisoners watch Maury on their flat screen televisions and flit around with match.com. Franklin Mint wants us to remember the good ol' days. The days depicted in Shawshank Redemption when a day of hard work was rewarded with a beer, or possibly a nice ass pounding by one of your prison-friends.
Sassy Samurai
"Hey how come the Franklin Mint doesn't make a little Samurai version of Joe Pesci?" Read a book cause they do. Last year Franklin Mint answered the cries of the many and issued this little Japanese Samurai fellow, I mean ferrow. His sassy pink ribbons and polka dot pants are sure to delight his foes as he thwarts them with flawless dance techniques, like the one seen here. Kick out that leg, you little shit.
If you're like me, you're still miffed about the outcome of the Civil War and own a myriad of Confederate items such as belt buckles, bumper stickers and sleevless shirts. The only thing missing from your collection is a knife commemorating the 200th birthday of Confederate dreamboat, Robert E. Lee. You can use this to whittle sticks or to cut lengths of rope. Personally I'd recommend keeping it locked up until the race war.
This mischievious little scamp would love nothing more than to hang on the wall of your double-wide and listen to you dish with your invalid mother about the latest steamy romance novel you're listening to on tape.
Funeral Bells
We see here in "Sand In Her Shoe" the haunting last moments of this little girl's life captured forever on porcelain with 16k gold edge work. Sophia has gotten sand in her sandal causing her to slip and break her ankle. Back in the olden days, they had to put the lame ones down because what good is she in the coal mines now? You can see her father behind her with his hands on his hips shaking his head in disappointment. Way to shame the family, Sophia.
Dragon Inferno
Dragon Inferno is no joke. The name alone lets you know you made the right choice with your $200.
It doubles as both a life-like dragon adornment for the top of your entertainment center as well as a crystal ball, just like any valid piece of fantasy art should. Look at that wingspan.
It doubles as both a life-like dragon adornment for the top of your entertainment center as well as a crystal ball, just like any valid piece of fantasy art should. Look at that wingspan.
Basic Instinct
The Franklin Mint loves Princess Di and we love Princess Di related FM memorabilia. Here we see the Princess ready to reenact that famous scene from Basic Instinct in which Sharon Stone showed her goods to the world. This slutty doll can't believe how much wine she just had, almost the whole box.
No one wants to be your friend
This doll is a step away from the glitzy and glamorous iconic dolls typically produced by the Franklin Mint. She is your typical midwestern type who is well on her way to a life of heart problems and social ridicule because her fat parents feed her nothing but sugar and fast food. She has shitty hair and it looks like the girl from the "Daydream" plate helped her put on her make-up. FM really nailed it with that ill-fitting frock they threw on her as well.
While she's pure...
This wee little one puts the ornate in oriental! This doll baby has a long life of laying supine ahead of her, but for now, she's as clean as a Koi pond. She comes with a complimentary pillow for her comfort as she lays listlessly while her flower is ravaged away from her. She would be a perfect gift for a friend who is still trying to save up for that long weekend in Bankok.
Spellbinder...more like kidbinder


Grandpa's Gift
Kouple of Kanine Kompanions

Thursday, September 3, 2009
This is the only reason this would happen...
Once upon a time, there was a fairy nymph who after realizing she forgot to return her video (My Fairy Lady), threw on her dragon skin boots and jumped on her snake motorcycle to get to Hollywood video before it closed. She made it just in time, no late fees! The end.
Sieg Smile!

knife play
Watch out!

The Wizard, the Dragon and JTT

Other ideas may follow...
Cats hate water
We all know it's true. Cats hate water. You know what that means...this cat is totally going to pounce on you because you freaking surrounded him by water! He hates that and he hates you! You should have known better...
Marilyn Monroe Baby...pre suppository overdose
Fishies, watch out!
The Crucifixion
Testing the Waters
This one is called "Testing the waters". The waters of awesome have certainly been tested here and the results are positive!
Eagle Mountain
Baby Diana...so young and so dead.
Your tiarra and rose make you seem so innocent. Little did you know of the troubles and the beanie babies that would lay in your future. I also really like your soccer-mom baby haircut.
Biker Baby Bobby
Oh, Biker Baby Bobby. How young you are and yet, you already seem so hardened. You probably beat the other baby's up in the play-pen and my guess is that on the back of your vest you have an eagle and the word freedom. Am I right? Baby Biker Bobby..what are you doing with those keys...keep them away from my eyes! Ahhhh!!!
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